  • Artist
  • XJAZZ2022

Soko Steidle

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© Photo by Oliver Steidle

The SoKo Steidle is characterised by a completely unique and timeless sound. This band of four has turned completely to free improvisation, a style of playing which is celebrated today more than ever all over the world. The quartet's namesake, Oliver Steidle, has for some time been one of the hottest, most forward-looking musicians of the young European avant-garde. Here, in a collective of excellent musicians, enormously versatile and atmospheric sound creations emerge, which range from rivalry to harmonic interplay. Furthermore, in addition to the devotion to the matter at hand, the musicians prioritise the ability to come together, i.e. to find an optimal combination of people in the ensemble. That is why the collaboration with pianist Alexander von Schlippenbach, one of Europe’s premier free jazz bandleaders, is so extraordinary. As an avant-garde composer, a mediator between contemporary serious music and jazz, he is closely connected to free jazz and is, in everything he does, versatile, lively, and a highly sensitive fine spirit.

Apr 21, 2022