In 2021, Timo Lassy, a tenor saxophonist and composer based in Helsinki, presents his new trio formation. Along for the ride are Ville Herrala on double bass and Jaska Lukkarinen on drums, both mainstays in the Finnish scene and highly regarded solo artists in their own right. The trio came together in early 2020 for a string of live gigs and started its process in becoming a band unit, one which can achieve a near telepathic connection on stage. On his album "Trio" (We Jazz Records 2021), Lassy expands the sound of his core unit by inviting strings and electronics along for the ride. His riff-heavy new compositions take things in a new direction, into one where heavy funk, effortlessly rolling soul jazz and forward-reaching acoustic jazz meet. Their recipe may seem simple on the surface, but for anyone who has tried, there's no harder task in jazz music than to establish a unit which sounds together and always maintains its musical direction, however surprising the music might get in the moment.